The bind operation of LDAP, as described in RFC 4513, provides a method which allows for authentication of users. For the Simple Authentication Method a user may use the anonymous authentication mechanism, the unauthenticated authentication mechanism, or the name/password authentication mechanism. The unauthenticated authentication mechanism is

We can throw away ldapsearch -H -x -D -w -LLL, as those just specify the URL to connect to, the bind credentials and the -LLL just quiets down OpenLDAP. That leaves us with: -b "o=myhost" cn=root . The -b o=myhost tells our LDAP server where to start looking in the tree for entries that might match the search filter, which above is cn=root . Running ldapsearch with LDAP configuration Running ldapsearch with LDAP configuration. ldapsearch is an LDAP command-line tool available from many LDAP server vendors. You can save a lot of time by running ldapsearch to verify the LDAP information before configuring a hub monitoring server for LDAP authentication. You can also use it to troubleshoot problems you encounter with the configuration. 389, 636, 3268, 3269 - Pentesting LDAP - HackTricks

STEP 2: Run ldapsearch and pray that the LDAP server you’re connecting to allows anonymous bind. If your LDAP server allows anonymous bind, you can bind to it without providing a bind account and password! $ ldapsearch -h ldaphostname -p 389 -x -b "dc=splunkers,dc=com" All of the above options are necessary to perform a simple, anonymous bind

The ldapsearch command Overview. The ldapsearch command retrieves results from the specified search from the configured domains and generates events. It must be at the beginning of a search pipeline. A sample usage follows: | ldapsearch domain=SPL search="(objectClass=user)" There are several possible arguments for ldapsearch: ldapbind to ldapsearch over SSL port | Oracle Community

additional info: SASL(-4): no mechanism available: while OpenDS shows a different message ldapsearch ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Server is unwilling to perform (53) additional info: Rejecting the requested operation because the connection has not been authenticated An option '-x' to use simple authentication instead of SASL is required to get

ldapsearch will exit when the first non-successful search result is returned, unless -c is used. -M[M] Enable manage DSA IT control. -MM makes control critical. -x Use simple authentication instead of SASL. -D binddn Use the Distinguished Name binddn to bind to the LDAP directory. For SASL binds, the server is expected to ignore this value. authentication - How to test ldap that authenticates with ‑W) or a SASL PLAIN bind (ldapsearch ‑Y PLAIN). It is however still "fake", as it doesn't take advantage of Kerberos features for protecting the password over the network. "Real" Kerberos, where the LDAP server receives a Kerberos ticket and checks it against the local keytab, without having to ever reveal the password. For this to work How To Encrypt OpenLDAP Connections Using STARTTLS May 29, 2015