May 02, 2019

Opens the link in the parent frame. Frames are deprecated in HTML5. _self: Open the link in the current frame. _top: Opens the link in the top-most frame. Frames are deprecated in HTML5. frame name: Opens the link in the named frame. Frames are deprecated in HTML5. HTML - Image Links - Tutorialspoint Then the browser sends the following search parameters to the web server which can be processed by ismap.cgi script or map file and you can link whatever documents you like to these coordinates − /cgi-bin/ismap.cgi?20,30 This way you can assign different links to different coordinates of the image and when those coordinates are clicked, you can open corresponding linked document. Open Link in New Window - HTML This can be useful in case you want to open more than one link in the same window (instead of opening a new window for each link). In other words, when a user clicks on the first link, it will open a new window. Then, each time the user clicks on a different link, the new link will load into that same window. Probably easier to show you an example.

mailto: HTML email link -

How to use PHP in HTML pages In an HTML page, PHP code is enclosed within special PHP tags. When a visitor opens the page, the server processes the PHP code and then sends the output (not the PHP code itself) to the visitor's browser. Actually it is quite simple to integrate HTML and PHP. A PHP script can be treated as an HTML page, with bits of PHP inserted here and there.

Firstly on Mavericks if you click a link with this protocol or go to it in a web address. The OS asks you to select an app that can open it. Even when Chrome is selected chrome will try and open the URL file:///googlechrome: How to open a local HTML file with URL parameters.

HTML - How To Open A Link In Another Browser I am creating 2 html pages. when i open first page i want to display a particular form. clicking on link in form 1 we will go to 2nd html page where a image link will appear. when we click on this image link i want to dispaly 1st html page with 2nd form. how to do this please give the html code for this.. HTML Anchors: Here’s How To Create Links For Fast Navigation