Changing proxy settings in Google Chrome can be done in the following: 1. Click the wrench bar in Google Chrome. 2. Go to options. 3. Select the "Under the hood" tab. 4. Go to Network settings and the Change proxy settings. You will now be able to change the proxy settings in Google Chrome. Through a web proxy, your pages will slow down.

Chrome Browser Proxy Settings - Change to Speed Up Oct 25, 2013 Run Chrome/Chromium with proxy settings on Linux If you open the "Proxy Settings" window on Chrome and Chromium for Linux, a discouraging message shows up: When running Chromium under a supported desktop environment, the system proxy settings will be used. However, either your system is not supported or … Google Chrome Proxy Server Settings - AddictiveTips

Setting up a proxy server in Google Chrome

Google Chrome can't connect to proxy server and I can't change LAN settings. What do I do ? I unchecked the proxy box but stil: Chromecast not working when I select Google Play music in my cellphone. Both are connected to same network: Internet connection not working in Google Chrome: Google Chrome can't connect to proxy server

Jul 12, 2017

Check out this post from the Chrome forum, Why does google chrome keep resetting my proxy server? Caver_tim asked: do you have the same problem in IE? chrome is supposed to use the windows settings (same as IE) unless you've managed to change the shortcut to start chrome such that it uses a different proxy. So, how to force Google Chrome to ignore proxy server settings defined for IE7? I thought, I would have to download Google Chrome source code and customize it. But luckily, there is a ready-made option switch called –proxy-server to define proxy server independently for Google Chrome. E.g: –proxy-server overwrites Google Chrome default