Former NSA director explains why the spy …

Germany reins in spy service over NSA report 2015-10-30 · Oversight of the spy agency directly from Chancellor Angela Merkel's office will also be beefed up, and a list of duties the BND carries out for the NSA will be overhauled. The steps came after a special investigator appointed by the German government handed over his final report into claims that the BND spied on its European allies for the NSA. NSA Halts Controversial Spy Program - Yahoo 2017-4-28 · NSA Halts Controversial Spy Program. Jenna McLaughlin and Elias Groll. Foreign Policy Magazine. April 28, 2017. Reblog. Share. Tweet. Share. The … If You Do This, the NSA Will Spy on You - Defense One 2014-7-7 · If You Do This, the NSA Will Spy on You . By Patrick Tucker Technology Editor Read bio; July 7, 2014 Topics. Intelligence Technology scyther5 via Shutterstock. A A Font size + Print

Mainway, the main NSA tool used to connect the dots on American social connections, collected 700 million phone records per day in 2011. That number increased by 1.1 billion in August 2011. The NSA is now working on creating “a metadata repository capable of taking in 20 billion ‘record events’ daily and making them available to N.S.A

NSA Surveillance | American Civil Liberties Union 2020-7-20 · The National Security Agency’s mass surveillance has greatly expanded in the years since September 11, 2001. Disclosures have shown that, until recently, the government regularly tracked the calls of hundreds of millions of Americans. Today, it continues to spy on a vast but unknown number of Americans’ international calls, text messages, web-browsing activities, and emails.The government

The NSA gathers intelligence under Section 702 of the FISA Amendment Act, which allows the NSA to gather data on non-U.S. citizens outside the U.S. It also gathers tens of thousands of “domestic

NSA Spy Program Could Face Supreme Court Scrutiny Video