SMTP - Wikipedia

SMTP (engl. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ) predstavlja osnovni protokol sloja aplikacija za elektronsku poštu , koji koristi uslugu pouzdanog transfera podataka protokola TCP. Kao i većina drugih protokola aplikacijskog sloja ima klijentsku i serversku stranu (koja se izvršava na serveru za elektronsku poštu onoga koji šalje i druga Extended SMTP (ESMTP), sometimes referred to as Enhanced SMTP, is a definition of protocol extensions to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) standard. ESMTP was defined in November 1995 in IETF publication RFC 1869 which established a general structure for all existing and future extensions. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the standard protocol for email services on a TCP/IP network. SMTP provides the ability to send and receive email messages. SMTP is an application-layer protocol that enables the transmission and delivery of email over the Internet. SMTP is created and maintained by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). SMTP, Inc. is a cloud service provider that specializes in sending outgoing email for large volume senders. In this regard SMTP is more akin to a technology service provider such as or Rackspace than email marketing company like Constant Contact . SMTP-AUTH is an extension of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to include an authentication step through which the client effectively logs in to the mail server during the process of sending mail.

SMTP (engl. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) predstavlja osnovni protokol sloja aplikacija za elektronsku poštu, koji koristi uslugu pouzdanog transfera podataka protokola TCP.Kao i većina drugih protokola aplikacijskog sloja ima klijentsku i serversku stranu (koja se izvršava na serveru za elektronsku poštu onoga koji šalje i druga strana koja se izvršava na serveru).

Jun 12, 2020

Opportunistic TLS - Wikipedia

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - Simple English Wikipedia Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet communication protocol used to send and relay an email message between email servers. It is not used to retrieve email messages from a server. Instead either IMAP or POP is used to retrieve email messages.. Related pages. Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP); Post Office Protocol (POP) SMTP - Plesk Oct 17, 2019 SMTP - Wikipedia Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (prescurtat, SMTP; în traducere aproximativă Protocolul simplu de transfer al corespondenței) este un protocol simplu din suită de protocoale de Internet, care este folosit la transmiterea mesajelor în format electronic în rețea de calculatoare.SMTP folosește portul de aplicație 25 TCP („smtp”) și determină adresa unui server SMTP pe baza